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 Admissions and Behaviour Policies

Admissions Policy

The club welcomes children from all backgrounds, regardless of their culture in accordance with our admissions policy.


When places are limited, children will be admitted in the following order of preference


  • siblings

  • children who attend 5 days a week

  • otherwise in chronological order of first application


To reserve a place (once offered) new parents will be asked to pay a £10 (After School Club) per session and/or £5 (Breakfast Buddies) retainer which will be offset against their first invoice.  The deposit will only be refunded on sessions actually taken.



Behaviour Policy

To enable all children to have fun safely, we have our own Behaviour Policy and work closely with all parents.


The club expects, and will encourage children to behave responsibly and respect both staff and each other.


Children are expected to respond to requests from staff.


Repeated disobedience and/or persistent anti-social behaviour could disrupt the Club for all.


Consequently, the Club reserves the right to terminate membership.




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